Monday, December 16, 2013

My survey

Callie Duncan
  • How does your quality and type of questions in survey compare to others?
  • What makes a good survey question?
  • What were the trends in your survey?
  • What results were predictable and why?
  • What results surprised you and why?
  • What did you learn about our class from your survey?
  • Any challenges from this assignment?
  • What did you like/dislike about it?
  • Why are surveys such a large part of business, politics, etc?
  • Anything else?
My quality and type of questions in my survey compare to others by having similar questions asking how they feel about the subject we are talking about, and having them explain.
What makes a good survey question in my eyes is having a question on what you feel about it, wanting the person who is answering the questions opinion.
The trends in my survey were probably helping the beach get clean up most of them said they barely helped clean the beach.
Some results I got that were predictable were I thought people would be honest and say they didn't help clean the beach, and I was right not much of them helped clean the beach.
Some results that surprised me were having people say they did litter and having them tell the truth of what they do with their trash instead of taking it with them..
What I learned about our class from this survey is what inspired peoples life the most.. A lot of people get inspired by music!
Some challenges in this assignment were not being able to answer some questions that people had such as not having my answer and it was multiple choice.
The things I liked about this assignment was seeing everybodys answers. What I disliked about this assignment was having to answer questions that were boring and I was not into.
Surveys are such a big part of business because they help understand what people do most. And what they like more. Showing how much a person puts effort and how they do things.  
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