Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Theee Best Meal

 I walked in my kitchen craving my favorite dinner of all. I knew that we went grocery shopping that day, so I was prepared! Usually never think about dessert after dinner because I always stuff myself with dinner, but this time I knew I had to save room for a sundae! A strawberry one! As I helped my mom cook the juicy steak, I went to the fridge and got the best sauce ever, A1. I can never eat steak without A1. I needed more than just steak, so my mom peeled potatoes while I got leftover salad out. Salad always topped the dinner off with its crunch of freshness! After helping I went back in my room waiting for my mom to call me for dinner… finally I go out to the kitchen with a neat dinner on my plate. Steaming mashed potatoes smeared with melted butter, with a steak covered in A1, and my salad in a bowl next to my plate. I was so hungry I swear I ate it in less than 10 minutes. After I still had room for my mom’s sundaes. The sundae looked like a dream! It had strawberry ice cream surrounding the banana, cut up strawberries with hot fudge leaking off of it. Once I ate that I was stuffed, I love homemade dinner, their my favorite!