Monday, December 16, 2013

My survey

Callie Duncan
  • How does your quality and type of questions in survey compare to others?
  • What makes a good survey question?
  • What were the trends in your survey?
  • What results were predictable and why?
  • What results surprised you and why?
  • What did you learn about our class from your survey?
  • Any challenges from this assignment?
  • What did you like/dislike about it?
  • Why are surveys such a large part of business, politics, etc?
  • Anything else?
My quality and type of questions in my survey compare to others by having similar questions asking how they feel about the subject we are talking about, and having them explain.
What makes a good survey question in my eyes is having a question on what you feel about it, wanting the person who is answering the questions opinion.
The trends in my survey were probably helping the beach get clean up most of them said they barely helped clean the beach.
Some results I got that were predictable were I thought people would be honest and say they didn't help clean the beach, and I was right not much of them helped clean the beach.
Some results that surprised me were having people say they did litter and having them tell the truth of what they do with their trash instead of taking it with them..
What I learned about our class from this survey is what inspired peoples life the most.. A lot of people get inspired by music!
Some challenges in this assignment were not being able to answer some questions that people had such as not having my answer and it was multiple choice.
The things I liked about this assignment was seeing everybodys answers. What I disliked about this assignment was having to answer questions that were boring and I was not into.
Surveys are such a big part of business because they help understand what people do most. And what they like more. Showing how much a person puts effort and how they do things.  
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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Encyclopedia Entry #4

Symi is honestly some one who I can call my other half. She knows everything about me and understands me out of anyone!We always have the best time together, we are always laughing and always smiling. No matter what we are doing we always try to turn everything into something positive and fun. 

Friday, October 4, 2013

Encyclopedia Life Entry

I am absolutely in love with this sport! I love playing other teams and being in tournaments. I love spiking the ball and feeling energetic and accomplished. Although winning is the best feeling, its great when we lose and still had fun!

The Giant Stawberry

   In the garden, around 600 pounds, among the cabbages, was a huge strawberry that had many insects that lived in it. By the window is where there were cobwebs over cobwebs. Behind the couch is where i would find the meanest grasshoppers, pinch bugs, and others that would crawl inside my house. I would always be against the door so they cant get in. Throughout the night I stay in misery.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Poem for Two Voices by Symi and Callie

Morning Girl
Star Boy
I like mornings
I like night
We choose family over everything
I’m more quite than others
I’m very outgoing
We both help around the house
People treat me with respect
Our family expects a lot out of us
People still treat me like a kid
I was excited for a new sister
I wasn’t excited for a new sister
We like to be alone
I like to be independent
I like for people to notice me
We share a lot of things in common 

Friday, September 13, 2013

Encyclopedia of Ordinary Life Entries #3

    Sports are so helpful in my life in so many ways. They keep me healthy and busy. I love being able to always have something to do. Doing sports keeps me active, in shape, and healthy. I love playing basketball, baseball, volleyball, ect. I feel great being on a team knowing that they are all wanting to help each other  I love winning, and receiving trophies, that make me feel honored, its an amazing feeling!

Outdoors are a big part of my life. I live with redwoods, and forest all around me. I love waking up to the sun peeking through the big trees tat surround me house. Whenever my friends and I are bored we always go on walks through trails or what not. They are such an amazing thing to look at, and find animals that live near them!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Morning Girl Response

   The book "Morning Girl" was a very interesting book that I enjoyed. I thought that they were a very close family who tried to stay positive. I thought that the part where the storm came was an interesting part that helped show that they can stay strong, and always have a positive mood, no matter what. They defiantly have a different lifestyle compared to now. They had to get there food by hunting, fishing. Which is great!

Nature Name

Beach Girl
  If I had a nature name I would want it to be beach girl. I am absolutely in love with the beach. I enjoy going in to the waves and swimming under them. I love the sun shining on my making new tan lines on me. I enjoy the warm sand that helps me warm up. I love being barefoot on the beach stepping on warm softy rocks, and the sand that comforts at the perfect shape of my foot.

Personal Response

The Rope Swing
  One day during summer, Symi and I were very bored. We tried many different things to keep us entertained. We were in my back yard watching my tree that shined down from the sun. I came to a conclusion that I wanted to make a swing on the tree. Symi agreed that we could, so we got some rope, a thick block of wood and a driller from my dad. We looked up trying to fine a good branch that could not only hold us but hold others as well. Once we found our branch we knew we would have to saw some branches that were in the way. Symi and I both got hand saws and began to saw. We had about five large branches that were getting thrown in a pile. From sawing we were grouchy, tired, and sweaty. Symi and I got in a few little fights, but still continued. Once I had tied the rope to the thick branch, Symi drilled the hole in the block of wood. Once the hole was centered in the wood we put the rope through and tied under it. I tested the swing out and it gave me butterflies that I loved. Me and Symi had a very fun day with the swing.

Two Encyclopedia Entries

   I am addicted to clothes. I love washing clothes. I love the smell of laundry detergent, and clean clothes. I like getting new clothes, and the feeling of them on my skin. It feels goo knowing you got new clothes to wear and looking good. 
  One of my favorite places to be is at the beach. I love the sun that makes the sand warm once i get out of the waves that crash over me. I like getting in the ocean knee height and waiting for a wave to come so I can swim under it. The coldness refreshes me every single I do it. 

Friday, August 30, 2013

Encyclopedia Of My Life

 Callie Duncan
  I find that my name is not that common. I was named after a nice, gentle native women. I met her when I was 14. I'm proud to be named after a women so kind. It makes me feel like i should be similar to her when I'm older.
  I'm obviously in love with my life at home. I have an amazing mom that does so much for a lot of people. A brother who makes me laugh so much. And my funny dad that supports me a lot in sports. I feel so comfortable at home. 
  Friends are such a thankful thing. I see one at least everyday. They are always there to talk about stuff that you cant always tell your parents. They help in so many ways. 
  I feel a addiction that will never be cured or fixed. I feel like its important thing in my life. Its normal for me to go to my i pod and search for my news feed.

Tweet Memoirs

   I attempt to help the dog from getting in trouble. I call him to bring him back to where he belongs. We both made eye to eye contact, and that is how i knew he was upset with me. I open my eyes to a sight of darkness and teeth in front of me. The thought that my house was right there and no one has been there to help me, worried me. i soon heard a panic yell from my dad. The dog was gone. Blood on my shoulder and in my mouth. I was attacked

Six Word Memoirs

Waking up this morning, eyes were squinted.

Sitting next to my friend, talking non-stop.

15 minutes to finish, pure pressure.

Music plays, energy takes over my body.